Tuesday, September 4, 2012

2012 Wilson 100

I tested my legs at the Wilson 100 on Sunday, August 18th in Senioa, Georgia.   A week before the Savannah Century on September 2nd. This was the 39th running of the Wilson Century and as always it was well attended. It was my 3rd Wilson 100.  I rode it in 2011 with the peleton until the rest stop at mile 500.  I also rode the Wilson back in 1990, or so.  Unfortunately for me, I had to work until 6am on this Sunday morning so I started the ride a bit sleep deprived. 
Me with my friend Jim Banaski in the background
The weather this year was perfect at 8am for the mass start was perfect with the temperature in the low 60's. The heat would build throughout the day to reach the mid-80's by the time most of the riders finished the 100 mile ride.

My wife Susan and friend Kevi rode the 30 mile course. They had the opportunity to visit with the Serrano family (Tony Serrano Century) at the 15 mile rest stop. The whole Serrano family manned the rest stop. Susan said it was very well stocked with 60 or different items including, fresh figs with peanut butter, blueberry lemonade, fresh apples with caramel drizzle, zucchini bread, etc..  All the items were homemade.
Kevi and Susan
The faster 100 mile course riders wouldn't see any of the goodies the rest stops had to offer.  Tightly tucked into the peleton with the "Beck Boys" and other team riders pulling the group through the Coweta county countryside.  Averaging almost 25 mph the group was on schedule for a 4-hour century. It was later reported that they finished in 4 hours and 8 minutes. Unfortunately, the heat, and lack of water from not partaking of fluids at the rest stops took its toll causing some riders to be spit out the back of the peleton before the final sprint to the finish.  I was one of the unfortunate ones.  I stuck with them for 88 miles but that was all I had in me.  I got dropped like a bad habit and limped back to the finish.  My water bottles were empty somewhere around the 75 mile point.
The 8am Mass Start
The course was marked well and only once did the peleton almost miss a turn.  This occured at a left turn from Spring Road onto Old Zebulon Road at mile 65 just as an impatient driver tried to pass us on the left.  It could have been messy!

After the ride the participants were treated to a chicken or ground beef burrito, rice, re-fried beans, salad, cookies, fresh plums, lunch in the school cafeteria.

If I had one criticism of the event it would be that they didn't have any water for riders as they left in the morning or upon their return to the school parking lot.  There was a tent and table setup in the parking lot with those folks that tell you to pour your water out because theirs is better.  No one wants a sales pitch after a century, or even before for that matter, especially one so ridiculous.  There was plenty to eat and drink in the school cafeteria but some of the riders looked like they couldn't wait and needed a drink ASAP.  Susan and I had a stocked cooler so we were okay.  We handed out a few bottles of cold water the most needy.

So, 2012 was an improvement over 2011.  I stayed with the peleton 38 more mile than the previous year.

Bring on the Savannah Century!

Thanks for reading.