My route from the park was counter-clockwise onto Ocean Heights Avenue, left onto English Creek Avenue, left onto School House Road, left onto Zion Road and a final left back onto Ocean Heights Avenue. There are some sidewalks on Ocean Heights Avenue but the rest of the route has only the roadside median which is from 18" to 48" in width. The traffic was heavy at the time I ran but the road was wide enough for motorists to give me a wide berth. It was a pretty good route if you're not afraid of running along the median. I feel compelled to point out that as I neared the finish of my run and I turned onto Ocean Heights Avenue I thought I was lost. With no street signs visible I thought that maybe I should have turned right instead. It's only now that I look back at my route that I know the names of all the roads. I asked an elderly couple in the CVS Pharmacy parking lot if they knew the direction to Veteran's Memorial Park. They did not so I decided to ask someone inside the pharmacy which I did and I set off on my way again. As I exited the pharmacy parking lot the couple reappeared. They had left the store, seen the park down the street, realized the name of the park was what I had asked them , and returned the CVS to help me find my way. That was awesome! The couple pointed me in the direction of the park and asked if I needed a ride. I thanked them and told them that I did not.
After that run I decided I needed to prepare a little better. I wore my Garmin watch, a kit that was brightly colored so drivers could easily see me, and my RoadID so that my body could be identified should the need arise.
I have used the bottle only once and I think it will serve my needs for the next few weeks of my training. The flask didn't quite hold the full contents of the 16.9 ounce water bottle shown below. The pockets was perfect to carry my Olympus camera. I thought that the combined weight of the water and camera would be a problem but I didn't even notice it after I got started.
Thanks for reading.