I calculated for a 50 minutes winner running at a 5:22 minutes/mile pace. In 2013 the winner completed the full 9.3 mile course in 57:19. That's a 6:09 pace. The USA record for the 15K distance was set at the Gate River Run in Jacksonville, Florida last March. The winner finished in 47:03 with a 5:03 pace.
I also calculated for a 2 hour and 20 minute finish time for the last runner which equates to a 15 minute/mile pace. The video below highlights the segments of the roadway between the fastest runner and the slowest runner as they progress throughout the course. I hope it's helpful.
The 2014 race is scheduled to start on Saturday, November 8th at 8:00 a.m. There is also a 5K race. The 5K runners and walkers will cause the greatest nuisance around the Lake Spivey Country Club. It is advisable to avoid the section of Walt Stephens Road near the south entrance to the Clayton County Int'l Park.
Find out more at: www.lakespiveyroadrace.org
Specific road information is also listed on the website under the FAQ tab on the Detours and Road Closings page.
Thanks for reading.