Sunday, October 19, 2014

My 300th Post

Finisher medals hanging on my closet door
This is my 300th blog post, article or whatever these little blurbs are called.  It would be too kind to called them pearls of wisdom but hopefully at least some of them have imparted some knowledge worth using.  My first blog post was published almost 4 years ago on December 20th, 2010.  Since then I've written about travel, restaurants, hotels, and of course training for foot races, a swim-a-thon, and triathlons.  I've published race reports and simple equipment reviews, nothing as in-depth as DC Rainmaker would do.  Overall, it's probably been more fun for me than my readers but that's what you should expect from a guy who considers himself a non-reader and was only a marginal student.

During the past four years I've competed in 14 triathlons including two full Ironman 140.6 races, six half-Ironman distance races, four of which were Ironman branded 70.3 races.  The other triathlons were sprint and Olympic distances.

I've also completed twelve 5Ks, nine 10Ks, seven 15Ks, and only one solo marathon since 2010.  In total I've competed in 45 races covering over 1000 miles.  I've ridden twelve full 100 mile century rides and since I purchased my Garmin 910XT watch in June of 2012 I've run 1,015 miles, ridden my bikes 5,473 miles, and swam 155 miles.  My cycling numbers are interesting because I've only ridden 230 miles in the past 12 months.

I've also written about my pathetic internet service and my case of the hives.  I still have both, but neither is as much of an issue now. I have not written about by hernia which I also still have.  That information will probably go unbroadcast as some things don't pass the Susan filter. Like the time I had a colonoscopy and, while still under sedation, I yelled out "Hey Susan, take a picture of my butt".

So where do I go from here?  Well, I just fixed two flats on my bikes and I'm looking forward to some riding soon.  It will have to wait until after I get done with a little 15K foot race that I hope to dominate in a few weeks.  That's the Lake Spivey Road Race 15K I've written about before.  I don't plan to win, just beat all the other old farts.

Beyond that, Susan and I are in the early stages of negotiations for the 2016 Ironman race season where I move up in my age-group.  Until then I'll try to maintain my fitness, improve my running, and try not to get injured.

Oh, and there's the Atlanta Ragnar Trail Relay at the Georgia International Horse Park in Conyers, Georgia on Friday and Saturday, April 10th - 11th, 2015.  I'll be part of the Running with Caesars team.  I'm assuming that the team name is a play on words "Caesars and scissors".  I'm looking forward to doing some smaller trail runs before the big race.  The Hill Country Trail Race 15K at Serenbe on Saturday, November 22nd, 2014 is already in my sights.  That's code for I'm registered!  I've also put my name in for the 2015 Publix Georgia Marathon on Sunday, March 22nd in Atlanta.

As for my blog, it looks like I've got a few more years of this writing gig to go.

Thanks for reading, thanks for following me, and thanks for allowing me to indulge my often odd sense of humor.