Friday, December 31, 2010

Bontrager Aero Pack

I bought my Bontrager Aero Pack before the 2010 Ironman Augusta 70.3.  I used it during the race along with two disposable water bottles.  The weather was cold for the time of year.  It rained for the majority of the bike segment so I didn't have the need to hydrate myself as I would if it were hotter.  I did not use a heart rate monitor during the race. 

I found that while running with my bike to exit T1 with a full bottle of water and Perpetuem the drink tube acted like a geyser.  I bought a bite valve to correct the situation.  I'll use a tie-wrap to secure the bite valve to the drink tube.  The bottle lid has a slotted opening to pour in fluids on the go.  The heart rate monitor (HRM) holder attaches to the bottle with a ring that goes around the opening under the lid.  The ring has two notches at opposite ends to secure it in either the 12 O'clock or 6 O'clock position.

For test purposes, I used a small piece of foam pipe insulation around the HRM holder to better facilitate installation of the HRM.