Sunday, May 29, 2011

2011 All American 5K - Race Report

Jim, Mary Ann, Susan and I headed to Peachtree City on Saturday, May 28th, 2011 for the 2nd annual All American 5K foot race.  This year’s race honored Ashley Kurpiel and raised $6,000 to $7,000 for the International Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) Association.  The race was hosted by the Peachtree City Running Club.  Although this is a low-key event, you knew it was well done because that’s just the way they seem to do it in PTC.  The race started at 8am at The Fred.  There was plenty of parking and volunteers to direct traffic.  Jim and I both pre-registered.  I was offered a cotton hat or a cotton t-shirt at registration.  Jim was offered both.  He accepted the offer and later gave the shirt to my wife.

2011 All American 5K cotton hat
2011 All American 5K cotton t-shirt
The club had coffee and an over-abundance of breakfast treats all laid out on tables before and after the race.  They also had bananas, but I elected to overlook them for sweeter fare.

Breakfast Treats
Ashley Kurpiel, who suffers from FOP, speaking to the runners
The race director speaking to the runners
The race started on time with bicyclists leading the way for the front runners.  Police officers blocked the roads, where needed, before the runners entered the famous Peachtree City cart paths.  The course below is correct except the start is in the parking lot with a right turn onto McIntosh Trail and the finish is on the cart path just before McIntosh Trail.

The Start
Me at the Finish
Jim at the Finish
Always the rabbit and never the turtle, I had the lead for a short time but soon gave it up to some young buck.  He was followed by two others.  It's important to know that I wasn't "chicked".  My co-workers use this as a gauge for my performance.  I finished in 4th place overall with a finish time of 19:19.  Timing was done with time cards.  Awards were given to the first 3 overall winners and age-group winners in 10 year increments.  I was first in the 40-49 age-group. There was no master’s award category.  Jim placed 2nd in the 70-79 age-group 33:09.

Me "Bringin' Home the Bacon"
Jim with another medal to add to his extensive collection
The age-group awards
I met one of my co-workers, Sean, his wife Julie and daughter Vivian at the race.  Sean and his family walked the course.

Julie, Sean and daughter Vivian
After the race, volunteers handed out American flags.

Mary Ann and Susan were official photographers of the Neil & Jim Running Team.

Mary Ann and Susan
We went to Ted’s Montana Grill in Peachtree City for an early lunch.  After that we stopped at Adams Farm for fresh fruit and veggies.

See more images from the 2011 All American 5K here. 
2011 All American 5K