Here are a few images taken at the 2011
Race for Riley. The first picture, taken after I got home, is of the race schwag. The total haul of stuff from this one race probably exceeds all the stuff that I might have accumulated from all the races I have ever run in my entire life. Just a few items in the schwag bags were, a 10-pack of AA Duracell batteries, a big pack of Luv's diapers (not shown), sunscreen, deodorant (2), toothpaste, toothbrush, a mesh airport style bag, body wash, Swiffer, Mr. Clean scrubbing sponge, a nice cooking apron (not shown), etc.
Some, but not all, of the race schwag |
Cotton race shirt |
Unloading the bikes |
Runners and family members leaving the parking lot headed toward the race start |
The grass was damp from the dew so some may have gotten their feet a bit wet.
Susan and Eileen along the trail |
The trail to Serenbe |
Steve Ramsden setting up his solar astronomy exhibit |
Steve is an air traffic controller and an astronomy enthusiast. Find out more about solar astronomy at Steve's website; .
A shop at Serenbe |
Runners walk to the start |
As runners accumulate at the start |
Me in Serenbe before the race |
Riley in pink looking for crickets |
Runners ready at the start |
Race director Gary Jenkins in light blue |
The race director giving final instructions |
Rusty and I |
Neil, Richard, Chip and Rusty before the race |
The lawn at Serenbe |
One of the race sponsor booths |
The band setting up |
The finish |
Checking in after the race |
Race for Riley masters plaque |
Richard, Chip and I eating BBQ after our ride |
Race results will be posted on the
Georgia Runner website.