Monday, May 2, 2011

2011 Ironman Florida Training Plan - Summary

The Gulf Coast Triathlon is only 5 days away.  As I enjoy the less intense taper period of my half-iron distance training plan my thoughts move forward to the next challenge, Ironman Florida.  I have a few foot races between now and IMFL, like the Peachtree Road Race in July, but my focus will be on November.

My training plan for the 2011 Ironman Florida is in the final draft stages. I'm doing a 20 week plan that is essentially my half-ironman plan plus 50% more time running, cycling and swimming. I say draft stages because I know that I'll adapt the plan to my work and family schedule as issues arise.  The plan starts on June 19th and ends on November 5th, race day. I start with 6 weeks of base building followed by a week of recovery, 3 more weeks of intense training, another recovery week, another 3 weeks to 1 week of training and recovery, and finally 3 weeks of training and 2 weeks of taper.

My weekly training hours go from 10 hours and 45 minutes during week 1 to 19 hours and 45 minutes during week 17. An additional 10 hours per week should probably be added for the logistics of training, especially travel.

This volume of training will require that I'm careful to avoid injury.

The plan has yet to be approved by "The Boss"!