Caution: Deals with adult subject matter
My wife escorted me to the ATC Resolution Run on Saturday. So, in turn, I took her to see the movie Black Swan on Sunday. Black Swan is a story about a ballerina's quest for perfection. It's a chick flick! Before the movie we bought some Cokes and a large bag of popcorn. I drank most of a large Coke and ate about 5 handfuls of popcorn. After the movie was over we returned home and I got ready to run. A little stretching, mixed up some Perpetuem in my FuelBelt, etc. You might recall from my previous post that I planned to run 20-miles. I filled an additional water bottle with the mix to place along my route which was to be two full loops around Lake Spivey and Lake Jodeco.
After finishing my abbreviated run I emptied my bladder. That's when I found my Jogger's or Gross Hematuria had returned. I had this last year after running in the heat of the summer. My doctor advised me to stay hydrated and not to empty my bladder before running.
This is the second time where I've left a movie to go run and found myself bleeding. Here's my theory. The popcorn and salt act as a sponge to dehydrate me before a run. Salted popcorn is like a bag of desiccant. The affects can be felt even after drinking a large Coke and some Powerade.
With several races on the books for this year I have to offer myself the following solutions: 1) run before the movies, 2) no popcorn at the movies if I plan to run afterwards and, 3) make sure my bladder is empty when I start.
I was going to post an image of the toilet but my wife cautioned against it. She's so wise! She said it was too much information!