A house is not a home without a dog and no blog is complete without some tribute to ones dog.
My dog's name is Max. Max is a 3 1/2 year old 120-lbs Silver Sable German Shepherd. Max's mommy is a Sable German Shepherd. His daddy is pure white and 140-lbs. We got Max from family friends in Ball Ground, Georgia. They had several litters of shepherd puppies over the years but don't breed them any more. Max was the largest puppies in the litter. His puppy name was Mr. Big!
He's the best dog I've ever had the abundance of hair not-withstanding.
Max as a puppy with our now gone Cocker named Sadie with that "Why Me!" look. |
Sadie says "You better not be touchin' me!". |
Max working on his "Couch to 5K" training. |
Max is an affirmed ball junkie. |
I'd like to say that Max is a great running partner but that would be lying. In fact, he's a terrible running partner.